Terms & Conditions / Privacy Policy

The artist retains the copyright of all images on this website for 70 years beyond her life. 

  1. The artist retains the right, in perpetuity, to use digitally recorded images of any purchased artwork for whatever purpose she chooses, including, but not restricted to, the purposes of promotion and creating reproductions based on such images for financial gain. 

  2. Prints of commissioned works will only be made available with the consent of the purchaser. 

  3. Whilst every effort shall be made to ensure that the digital images shown on the website are an accurate representation of the original paintings, there may be minor colour differences due to the lighting conditions at the time of photographing and also due to the settings on the screen that the photo is being displayed on. 

  4. Minor blemishes are considered intrinsic properties of the work of art and do not constitute a significant discrepancy.

  5. Any user may sign up to the Newsletter using the forms available within the abigailskye.com website.

  6. You may unsubscribe from the Newsletter at any time by either clicking on the "Unsubscribe" link provided in every newsletter, or by emailing me directly with UNSUBSCRIBE written in the email subject line

  7. Customer and user information will only be used for purposes relating to the content of abigailskye.com. I may, at times draw attention to other third party products or services if they are deemed to be relevant to the above.

  8. I will never use customer information for the purposes of generating spam.

  9. I am not responsible for the content of any external site that may be linked to these pages.

  10. I reserve the right to modify the contents of this website, including user comments and terms and conditions, in any way I feel is appropriate.